About Our Lab
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is one of the basic human needs. Although universal access to basic WASH is targeted in SDGs Goal 6, there are significant challenges to to achieve it. Further, inadequate sanitation results in environmental degradation through the inadequate discharge of human wastes or sewage, and contaminates water resources to be used by human activities.
Harada Lab (WASH_Env lab) is a laboratory in the Division of African Area Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University, led by Dr. Hidenori Harada. We study WASH and related water environment & waste management issues in Asia and Africa from the perspectives of health risks, material cycles, and WASH-society relations. Our approach is to combine fieldwork and laboratory experiments on the quality and quantity of water and the environment to understand coplex WASH and relevant issues and find/create solutions.
NOTICE: We have launched a large-scale project under the JST/JICA (ODA as a JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project) to realize participatory WASH improvement to prevent cholera outbreaks and diarrhoea in unplanned settlements (low-income areas or urban slums) in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. The project is called SPLASH. Please see our project website .